Difficulty getting charge started

Faults and Technical chat for the Renault Megane Electric
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Post by Phorridge »

No word from Renault on this and its increasingly a pain not being able to reliably charge. We are getting into the unfit for purpose territory now as an electric car that can't be charged reliably is just aheap of metal. expensive metal at that.

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Post by Leni16 »

What charger are you using? I have an ohme home pro and haven't had a single issue since December
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Post by Leni16 »

Sorry didn't realise it opened on the first post of page 2, missed page 1 I can see you have a zappi
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Post by DAS »

According to MyEnergi Renault have managed to recreate the charging issue and area of concern, so hopefully a resolution shortly.
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Post by mobrinch »

New car in Norway Nov 2022.
Experienced difficult to start charging at a Tesla Suoercharger twice on a 500 km trip. Quite frustrating. Called my dealer.
Resolution/work around seems to be resetting the multimedia panel by pressing the on/off button for at least 5 to ten seconds.
After the reset plugging in the Tesla Supercharger according to their App instructions everything worked.

I have used Tesla chargers on the road only and in total 8 times, 2 times failed as described above.
On my home charger the charging have always worked without problems.
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Post by nimmat »

Now June in the UK and the problem still exists. To be truthfully honest, the car is NOT FIT FOR PURPOSE as I have to wake up every other night at 1am and then fight the car to make it charge for the next 30 minutes hoping that it will be charged by the morning (Well I can only get it to 65-70% in one night due to 5hr EV tariff limit). Solar panel charging is even more painful as when the generation drops below consumption (turning on a Microwave/Kettle), the car stops and does not resume.

Charger is Zappi v2 and this is my 6th EV car and the only car that has not worked as predicted. Thankfully it is on a subscription so going to see if they replace this or I have to look for another manufacturer. Apart from this issue, its a great car, good tech and a much better range per KWH as compared to most competitors so all they need to do it, fix this issue.
Big G
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Post by Big G »

If it is a fault with the car then the consumer rights act 2015 protects you. If the fault has been there since day one the reject it. If they have had an attempt to fix it and it still doesn’t work the you can reject it.

You must write to the supplying retailer and the finance company also if you have HP finance. Or if you even paid £100 on credit card such as a deposit you can approach them and claim a rejection.

I have just gone through the process with Cupra.

If you have had the car for a period of time such as 6 months there will be a pence per mile charge which on that car should be no more than 25 ppm.


Big G
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Post by Big G »

Also they have to fix in a timely manner so perhaps a couple of weeks would be acceptable however 12 weeks may not be
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Post by Ezc »

To the best of my understanding, the Megane rejects or stops the charge if it is unlocked. It must be fully locked prior to, and during charging, which is insane.
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Post by natelittle »

Ezc wrote: Sat Sep 02, 2023 4:42 pm To the best of my understanding, the Megane rejects or stops the charge if it is unlocked. It must be fully locked prior to, and during charging, which is insane.
This is not the case, I have charged mine both locked and unlocked. It makes no difference if you open it, sit in it, or turn it on.
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