How to disable the car alarm?

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Post by colinsmith18 »

Twice last night the alarm went off whilst the car was in my garage. I've checked the interior for spiders/bugs but there isn't anything obvious. I need a good sleep tonight so would like to turn the alarm off but can't seem to find out how to do it. The manual doesn't even list alarm in the index pages! Any suggestions?

Separate to the wailing of the alarm, as I approached the car and pressed the key fob, there were two short loud beeps. I've heard these a couple of times in the 5 months I've had the car but no idea how they happen. What are these beeps?

Thanks in advance for any help.

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Post by GaryB »

You should have got a separate manual with it. I’ve attached what Renault sent me but the image quality isn’t great. I’ve since found mine but not had time to scan it yet.
Megane E-Tech disarming the alarm ultrasonic and anti lift sensors..pdf
Alarm manual
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Yep, this is particularly useful if (for example) you're going on a ferry and you don't want the car screaming at you. Here's how to do it.

1. Start with nobody in the car, and the car locked.
2. Unlock the car with the remote.
3. Get in, and don't touch anything or put your feet on any pedals.
4. Press the On button four times, leaving a few seconds between presses. The dashboard will go on ... off ... on ... off.
5. Get out and lock the car with the remote.

You should hear a long "beep" to signify that you've locked it with the alarm disabled.
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Post by sinlessUK »

Seems to be very problematic this alarm, as is mentioned on other sites too.

I believe when it does that, it is disabling the internal sensors. Sounds like you need a dealer visit for an alarm fix.

Probably a faulty / failed volumetric sensor. | | |
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Post by mcevatt »

Mine started doing this this weekend. Alarm going off almost constantly even when unlocked. Car would start and drive so managed to get it home. When I got home the card did a double beep and the alarm stopped only to start again after a couple of hours
Called the RAC (via Renault) on arrival the car was in a state of almost constant alarm with various warning signals on the dash ( check rear camera, check lights, check exterior audible noise to name a few). They couldn’t stop the alarm or connect to the computer. He said he’d been to another Megane with the same fault but managed to connect an reset the computer. Dropped it to the dealer 03/09 out of hours called next day to be told they can’t look at it u til 20/10!!
Great customer service so far apparently a hire car is being delivered tomorrow, I’m not holding my breath!!
Will update on what the fault is if/when they look at it.
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Post by colinsmith18 »

Apologies to all for the delay in acknowledging your replies. I had naively thought I'd get an email to tell me if someone had commented on my post! The Megane is finally going into the garage on Monday (it's only taken 3.5 weeks since I made the appointment) so I'll let you know what Hendy say.

Thanks @garyb for the manual. I finally got one from the Renault Concierge service, although one of the staff also told me these were not to be given out to customers!

I'm going to print off your method and keep it handy in the car.
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Post by colinsmith18 »

My car has been with the local dealer to fix the intermittent alarm fault. The mechanic told me he's made "a couple of modifications and rerouted some of the wiring". This seems to be an admission that there is a fault that can cause the alarm to go off for no apparent reason. Fingers crossed that this is the end of the problem for me.
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Post by mcevatt »

Update from my post above car has gone I again today for intermittent alarm activation . Had the wiring moved, bulbs changed and the alarm replaced and still no rectification. The dealership were not happy to see me today after replacing the alarm two weeks ago! As it’s a lease vehicle will be reaching out to return the car in the morning, Renault know there is an issue, which is also present on some Arkana and australes as well. Not great news
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Post by sinlessUK »

mcevatt wrote: Wed Jan 10, 2024 8:50 pm Update from my post above car has gone I again today for intermittent alarm activation . Had the wiring moved, bulbs changed and the alarm replaced and still no rectification. The dealership were not happy to see me today after replacing the alarm two weeks ago! As it’s a lease vehicle will be reaching out to return the car in the morning, Renault know there is an issue, which is also present on some Arkana and australes as well. Not great news
Not good :( Luckly I've not experienced this issue, (Well only when it proper lashed it down with hailstones.) but have heard of multiple issues and various fixes. | | |
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Post by Tonka73 »

Hiya having the same/similar issue. Car has been back with Renault dealer twice for various possible fixes.... However as of yesterday we learned something new......... What we have found is that one of the keys fobs is good and the second is not. We have one of those faraday pouches from Halford and when we put the second key in that no more false alarms. Speaking to the dealer after this realisation.... have stated its a known issues but very new and it seems to be something to do with key cloning protection ..... They have stated a solution is being worked on.

Hope this helps
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