What happened to the My Renault app?
Mines OK apart from the contracts section is in French.
https://topcashback.co.uk/ref/simon | https://share.octopus.energy/flax-elm-797 | https://electroverse.octopus.energy/network/sign-up?referralCode=flax-elm-797 | https://surfshark.club/friend/Fbv9yqHV
New update released!
https://play.google.com/store/apps/deta ... =web_share
https://play.google.com/store/apps/deta ... =web_share
https://topcashback.co.uk/ref/simon | https://share.octopus.energy/flax-elm-797 | https://electroverse.octopus.energy/network/sign-up?referralCode=flax-elm-797 | https://surfshark.club/friend/Fbv9yqHV
Mine has been in the dealer as advised by Renault.
Car updated and showing no faults but even after deleting the car from the app and my my Renault account from the car and reinstalling the problem remains the same:
Charging control tab and button missing.
Contract information reverted to English a week or so ago.
Car updated and showing no faults but even after deleting the car from the app and my my Renault account from the car and reinstalling the problem remains the same:
Charging control tab and button missing.
Contract information reverted to English a week or so ago.